Gratis certificaat gebruiken voor https

Als je voor een bedrijf een website maakt koopt je bedrijf een certificaat in bij een certificate authority. Maar als je voor je hobbyproject hetzelfde wil dan wil je je kosten minimaliseren. Dus als het even kan gebruik je dan een certificaat van bijvoorbeeld Let's Encrypt. Alleen.. Die verloopt na een x aantal dagen (90 voor Let's Encrypt, zie De oplossing is om de WIN-ACME Client te gebruiken, en daarvoor een scheduled task aan te maken in de Windows Task Scheduler om te zorgen dat het certificaat op tijd wordt vernieuwd. Ga daarvoor naar en sla de download op op een makkelijk te vinden locatie. Ga daarheen met de command prompt en typ: wacs Doorloop de volgende stappen (zoals ik ze al heb gedaan): Dat is alles. Mijn…
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Learning Web Development (4)

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It has been a while since I was here but I decided to continue the series after being busy for a long time. Part of the solution entails calling a web api from javascript, so I decided to learn how that should be done. Because the TradingAdvice endpoint needs to be there in the future to return the trading advice I decided to get some practice with this. I took a look at what the gekko ticker stores from an incoming candle, and I found there's a Unix timestamp in there. That's an integer. So, even though I probably will not use that integer as a parameter for the api it is very convenient for testing. Saved candles from the bitcoin exchange I am using Let's create an endpoint with…
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Database settings and the Trustworthy database property

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Last day at work we were confronted with an error in our monthly production run. It turned out the Trustworthy property of the database had been set to "off", so I suspected one of the dba's to have performed a restore without knowing about this setting. It turned out our dba was helping us with disk space issues by moving database files around to new disks where there was more free space. My first thought was: "They should have used the detach/attach method when they were moving the database files!" I soon learned from another coworker that that was what they had probably done in the first place. Somehow I thought that when you use the detach/attach method, the database settings are kept in the sys.databases table, and are applied…
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Triggering my nerves…

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This post is about something I come across more times than I would want to, and not even the least of people are repeatedly triggering my nerves with a thing like this. Anyway, I expected you not to, when you are a database developer in a multinational software development company. Let's cut to the chase: this post is about triggers. Database triggers. Very handy database objects that can perform a lot of useful tasks for you whenever you modify data in a table. I'm kidding. Of course, triggers are handy, but they can cause issues for performance, deadlocking, concurrency, and can even bring a not-too-busy database to a grinding halt when they are used wrong. This post is not about that. A few weeks ago, I received a call from one…
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(Become) an Enterprise DBA

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I got in at 9 AM, and found an empty spot in the back of the room between two fellow DBA's. I said good morning. Only the guy on my left responded with a similar gesture. I felt a bit awkward as this was my first day amongst this many computer scientists nerds ever. I did not know what to expect, but at least I expected people to say "Hello" or "Good morning". I felt astranged, asking myself: "Am I also like this?". I know I am not, because my friends repeatedly tell me I am overly social. I have got quite reserved feelings about what they mean when they say this, but at least I say "Hello". This was my first morning at SQLbits. Not knowing what to expect, and…
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SQLbits: A day with Brent Ozar and his talk about performance tuning when you can’t fix queries

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*Beep beep*: my alarm clock. Whoat!? 8 AM already? I thought I had it set to 7:45. Bollocks. Now I have to hurry for the one class I did not want to miss this weekend. My alarm clock was set too late and although I streamlined my routine for this morning - had my bag packed, ready to go - I still had to shower. Anyway, I thought showering would be the civilized way to go. When I entered the convention center I found "her", the only pretty girl about my age,  already there, sitting in one of the best spots. I was left with a spot next to an indian guy who had a cold so couldn's stop coughing through the presentation. If you stop hearing from me after this,…
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