Rebuild index performance: int vs bigint

Some time ago I was working with a company that had a lot of data in multiple tables, using bigint as the primary key. At the time, it looked like a good idea to rebuild these indexes each day. Nowadays, I am not so partial to rebuilding indexes anymore: you can gain a lot just by updating statistics instead of doing a full rebuild. However, what I found was that when we were doing a rebuild of our tables using a bigint primary (clustered) key it would take a long time. Now, the people who came before me decided that using bigint was a good idea because there was going to be a lot of data in these tables, however, max int is 2,147,483,647. Two billion one hundred and forty…
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Benchmarking .NET Performance

Nerds do it better When we, nerds, are looking for the best solution to a programming problem we sometimes get distracted. We are asked to find a way to get from A to B and while we are finding our way we find out that there are often (always) multiple solutions to a problem. A lesser person would say: "Hey, if it brings me from A to B then it's alright!". Right? Well not us nerds. At least not always. For instance right now I am working on a pet project of mine where I want to receive data from a GPS unit that is sending positional and other data from my car to a receiver service I am currently programming. This service should receive the raw bytes from my…
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